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Medicine; Biology; Psychology; African Studies
International index to African health literature and information sources.
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search.ebscohost.com + 1 more source
Biology; Medicine; Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Economics and Business; Earth Sciences
AGRICOLA serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. AGRICOLA is organized into two data sets. The NAL Public Access Catalog contains citations to books, audiovisuals, serials, and other materials. The Article Citation Database contains citations, many with abstracts, to journal articles, book chapters, reports, and reprints.
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AIDSinfo is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) project providing information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials and treatment. It is the result of merging two previous DHHS projects: The AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS) and the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS). It is a central resource for current information on federally and privately funded clinical trials for AIDS patients and others infected with HIV. "Aimed at HIV/AIDS patients, the general public, health care providers, and researchers, this easily navigated site provides a central source for information on clinical trials for patients with HIV and AIDS, federally approved HIV treatment and prevention guidelines, and medical practice guidelines. By clicking on the "Drugs" link, users can locate information on anti-HIV medications, including side effects, dosages, and interactions with other drugs or food. The site also provides access to brochures, fact sheets, and other web resources on HIV/AIDS, downloadable copies of current and archived versions of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines, and a searchable glossary, available in both English and Spanish, of HIV/AIDS-related terms. A useful resource for anyone seeking in-depth information on this topic."--"Best Free Reference Web Sites 2003, " RUSA Quarterly, Fall 2003; reviewed March 6, 2003.
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Biology; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Engineering; Medicine
"Items in Analytical Abstracts fall into three main categories: Journal articles, technical reports, and books. More than 250 key international journals are scanned regularly by the Analytical Abstracts editorial team. Over 75% of the original material is published in English, with other major languages being French and German, Russian and other eastern European languages, Chinese, and Japanese. Abstracting from non-English-language sources is performed by a panel of chemists with language skills. A small number of other secondary sources are scanned, in order to find items published in more obscure journals or in the non-chemistry literature, for example, environmental, pharmaceutical or geological publications." Inclusive dates: 1980-present.
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arjournals.annualreviews.org + 3 more sources
Environmental Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Computer Science; Science (General); Psychology; Medicine; Political Science; Sociology; Economics and Business; Anthropology and Archaeology; Social Sciences (General)
"Authoritative, analytic reviews in 37 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences"--publisher's Web site (viewed May 27, 2009).
Annual reviews (Online)
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This is Volume 5: Chemotherapeutic Agents, of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 6th Edition. This new volume contains critical new chapters on Molecular Biology of Cancer, Synthetic Anti-angiogenic Agents and Selective Toxicities. To purchase the entire 6 volume set, please refer to ISBN 0-471-37032-0. For a complete list of articles and contributors as well as FREE sample chapters from this new 6th Edition please visit: www mrw.interscience.wiley.com/bmcdd. Offers access via basic and advanced search engines to broad coverage of the field of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery for medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists and molecular biologists.
Burger, Alfred, 1905-2000.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Medicine; Other; Biology; Anthropology and Archaeology; Environmental Studies
CAB eBooks provides a unique opportunity to access CABI's prestigious titles in an easy-to use format. Books are indexed and retrievable as chapters. The full front file collection is divided into six core subject collections, constantly updated with the latest titles. The six subject collections comprise: 1. Agriculture 2. Animal & veterinary sciences 3. Environmental sciences 4. Human health, food & nutrition 5. Leisure & tourism 6. Plant sciences. As of May 2009, there were over 420 titles.
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ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca + 8 more sources
Environmental Studies; Medicine; Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Presents a collection of databases related to occupational health and safety. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide physical and safety data on chemicals manufactured or sold in North America. CHEMINFO provides safety information for important workplace chemicals. CHEMpendium compiles chemical hazard information from a variety of sources. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) contains citations to the literature for thousands of chemical substances. OSH References is an index to journal articles and other literature related to occupational health and safety. Canadian enviroOSH indexes Canadian national, provincial, and territorial environmental and occupational safety legislation and standards. Several additional free resources are available through the CCOHS Web Information Service.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
The ChemExper Chemical Directory displays information about chemicals (physical and chemical characteristics, structure, MSDS and more.) It contains for now over 200,000 different chemicals, 10,000 MSDS and over 10,000 IR spectra. The directory can be searched by registry number, molecular formula, chemical name or synonyms in different languages as well as by physical and chemical characteristics and combinations of those data, and also may also be searched by substructure. This web site also includes the Chemical Calculator, which calculates the molecular formula, molecular mass, exact mass, elemental analysis and plots the isotopic distribution graph; enter molecular formula, atoms, isotopes as well as groups; and the OSIRIS Property Explorer, which lets you draw chemical structures and calculates on-the-fly various drug-relevant properties whenever a structure is valid. Prediction results are valued and color coded. Properties with high risks of undesired effects like mutagenicity or a poor intestinal absorption are shown in red whereas a green color indicates drug-conform behaviour.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The Chemical Safety Database includes the following hazardous properties of materials: physical hazards, such as flammability and corrosivity, toxic effects, such as carcinogenicity, toxicity, and target organ information, regulatory listing requirements. Also included are Storage Groups for compatible segregation of chemicals. Compatible storage groups should be used only for purposes of storing small quantities of materials in controlled laboratory conditions managed under a chemical hygiene program. Storage groups should not be used as a guide for compatible mixing of chemicals or wastes. This database is offered as a service to the general community and no warrantee, expressed or implied, is made about the applicability of this information to a particular use or storage situation. Members of the Stanford community can access a more up-to-date set of material safety data sheets at msds.stanford.edu.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
ChemIDplus provides access to structure and nomenclature authority files used for the identification of chemical substance cited in National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases. ChemIDplus also provides structure searching and direct links to many biomedical resources at NLM and on the Internet for chemicals of interest. The database contains chemical records, chemical structures, and is searchable by name, synonym, CAS registry number, molecular formula, classification code, locator code, and structure. ChemIDplus is searchable through TOXNET's Toxicology data search. ChemIDplus advanced allows chemical structure and biological/chemical property searching to be done.
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Indexes journal articles in nursing, allied health, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and health sciences librarianship. Over 2,500 journals are indexed, and the database covers literature published from 1982 to the present. Full text is included for selected state nursing journals and some newsletters, standards of practice, practice acts, government publications, research instruments and patient education material. Premier database for nursing and allied health literature. Includes references to journals, American Nurses' Association and National League for Nursing publications, nursing standards of practice, and critical paths.
CINAHL (Online)
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Consists chiefly of 7 databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews; Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness (DARE); Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane database of methodology reviews; Cochrane methodology register; Health technology assessment database (HTA); and NHS Economic evaluation database (NHS EED).
Cochrane library (Online)
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General and Reference Works; Environmental Studies; Science (General); Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Biology; Medicine; Engineering
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Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; History of Science and Technology; Medicine; Medieval Studies
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Medicine; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Current Protocols offers a variety of ways to access thousands of authoritative, peer-reviewed, easy-to-follow, and frequently updated protocols.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
This carefully edited database contains the 25,000 most popular compounds as used by chemists. It contains the top 25,000 most commonly cited compounds in Chemical Abstracts, and covers drugs, organic compounds, solvents, natural products, analytical reagents, inorganic compounds, materials, the elements, and their isotopes. The database is fully substructure searchable, and contains chemical names, physical properties and bibliographic references.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
At the Library:
Swain » Reference (Non-circulating) » RS51 .D479 1990 ... in-library use only
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Art, Architecture and Design; Biology; Economics and Business; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; News; Medicine; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Language; Law; Political Science; Mathematical Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Science (General); Social Sciences (General); Engineering; History of Science and Technology
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Aims to cover all subjects and languages.

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